Suspension from a Programme will not cancel the obligation to pay for the remainder of the Programme.
“Confidential Information” all information:
However, “Confidential Information” does not include information that is openly published by you, or information that is publicly available without breach of our confidentiality obligation.
“Description” the description of the Programme content, conditions, qualifications and exclusions set out on our website or landing page or other publicity material through which you purchased the Programme.
“including” the word “including” shall not imply any limitation on the generality of the concept or thing of which examples are being given.
“Materials” means written, audio and visual materials used or produced or presented in the course of or to support delivery of the Programme, including handouts, videos, questionnaires, games, case studies, explanatory material, notes, calculations, specifications, reports, designs, drawings, flow charts, plans, trainer notes, reference material, prototypes.
“Participant” means any individual attending any part of the Programme.
“Programme” the event, coaching package, course or training provided by us and purchased by you.
“IP Rights” includes:
“Session” an element of a Programme.
“You” refers to the individual purchasing the Programme or on whose behalf the Programme has been purchased.
“We” and “us” refers to the person, firm or organisation providing the Programme.