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    Running a marathon! – Lucy

    My first London Marathon is three weeks away! This is quite the development, looking back at my relationship with physical exertion.  When I was a teenager I HATED exercise.  Not only did it make you all hot and sweaty and out of breath, it also...

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    Reflections on Leaving Teaching – Lucy

    I’m in my last term of my career as a teacher.  I will officially cease to be employed by a school on 2nd June 2024, my 46th birthday.  My last day in the classroom will be Friday 24th May and the last week of my...

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    Why is my life a bit shit? – Liz

    It has been nearly 4 years since I decided to quit drinking. I just realised that that is a long time! Go me. But here I am, still wondering why my life is a bit shit. I think that part of me believed that if...

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    Going away on the train – Liz

    When I was 18, I hopped on a plane (first time I’d been on one) with my then boyfriend and jetted off to Bali on the start of a planned year plus escapade. Within 4 months we’d split up and there I was in Sydney,...

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